
Buy Diamorphine online

Original price was: $460.00.Current price is: $380.00.


Buy Diamorphine online At Star Meds StorePharmacy

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What is Diamorphine


Diamorphine is a painkiller. You have it for moderate to severe cancer pain. It can also reduce breathlessness caused by a build up of fluid in the lungs.

You can only get diamorphine on prescription from your doctor. It is a type of opioid.

How it works

Diamorphine works by acting like the body’s natural painkillers known as endorphins. These control pain by blocking pain messages to the brain.

How you have diamorphine

You can have diamorphine in a number of different ways. You might have it as:

  • an injection under your skin (subcutaneous)
  • an injection into your vein (intravenous)
  • as tablets that you swallow whole

The dose you have depends on the amount of pain you have. You usually start by having a low dose. And your doctor or nurse will gradually adjust the dose depending on your needs.

Side effects

We haven’t listed all the side effects. It is very unlikely that you will have all of these side effects, but you might have some of them at the same time.

How often and how severe the side effects are can vary from person to person. They also depend on what other treatment you are having. For example, your side effects could be worse if you are also having other drugs or radiotherapy.

Drowsiness and dizziness

Feeling or being sick



Narrowing of the pupils in your eyes

Difficulties passing out urine

Low blood pressure when you stand up or suddenly change position

Flushing of the skin

Mood change

Dry mouth

Addiction to diamorphine

Some people worry about becoming addicted to diamorphine. When you take this kind of drug to control pain, it is unlikely that you will become addicted. But talk to your doctor or specialist nurse if you are worried.

More information about this treatment contact our pharmacy for more free details HERE



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Buy Diamorphine online
Original price was: $460.00.Current price is: $380.00.